Legal information 1x slot casino

Each player must familiarize himself with the requirements, rules and conditions of 1x slot casino. By registering an account, the user confirms that he has read the agreement and accepts its terms.

Legal Requirements

By opening an account with 1x slot casino, the player acknowledges that:

Privacy Policy

1x slot casino is committed to protecting the personal information of users.

The processing of personal data in 1xslots takes place only after your explicit act of approval, establishing and confirming a freely given, specific, informed and unambiguous expression of consent to the processing of personal data.

The Casino collects and processes information that can be used for personal identification purposes, including first and last name, date of birth, credit card information, home or other physical address, email address, telephone number or other relevant personal (personal) information.

The administration of 1x slot casino never collects personal information without the knowledge of the player.

1x slot casino: about cookies

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